I believe you are here to be the fullest expression of your soul.

To be anything less than this is to slowly waste away.

 In the expression of your soul, or your Knowing, there is a call to your purpose—to the work that only you can offer to the world. 

When you step into your soul’s work you experience confidence, joy, and resilience. You know your work matters. 

And my work is to help you find YOUR purpose, expression, and your Knowing. 

Hi, I’m Tamra!

And if you can’t tell, I’m really passionate about this work. It lights my soul on fire. Understanding your origin story and what makes your soul sing is a big part of our work together, so it’s only fair that I go first. 

I am here to help you see your future. Because in your future is the opportunity and invitation to live out the fullest expression of your soul. My role is to call you to your courage and invite you into your freedom.

Sounds like big work, huh? It is! But I have led over 500 people through Vision + Goal setting workshops, and I have seen the impact of this work directly. I never share anything I haven’t also incorporated into my own life, and I am currently living my 10-year vision for myself, a whole 3.5 years sooner than I declared. 

One of the things I cherish most about myself is that I’m a learner at heart. I believe it’s the only true thing I have mastered. In everything I do, I stay in the seat of the learner, committed to my continuous growth and expansion.

My love for hot pink floral jumpsuits, sea salt palomas, and my morning matcha with oat milk is mighty strong. I also believe a meditation practice can change your life. That’s why I am now a certified meditation teacher to support others in discovering this practice for themselves.


Life is meant to be lived fully, and I love discovering my own unique blend of experiences that makes me feel utterly alive. A couple of those experiences for me have been climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with some of my very best friends and selling my house and road-tripping all the way to Alaska with just my pups, camping the entire way because I couldn’t ignore the call to adventure. 

With a family now, that possibility of packing up and heading out on a whim isn’t quite as feasible, but it also doesn’t mean that I’ve let the circumstances of my life dictate how I’m supposed to live it. I bring adventure to the mundane. And I love holding paradoxical truths—allowing two or more things to be true at once: (joy and grief, expansion and unraveling, confusion and clarity).

I am intensely curious about the human experience, what motivates us, and what brings meaning to our lives. I infuse that curiosity into all aspects of my life and work, and it’s that curiosity that will guide our time together to find the paradoxical truths guiding your life.

My life is abundantly beautiful.

And it all started with discovering my Knowing—what I now call Strategic Premonition.

My first experiences with Strategic Premonition

I first discovered this Knowing when I was a child, and it’s been a companion throughout my life, for both my own benefit and for the good of others. 

From an early age, I became acutely aware that life can be unimaginably terrible. And in the very next breath, I saw how life is also unbelievably beautiful.

We cannot have one without the other, and in fact, it’s in holding both truths—that life is terrible and beautiful—that we are able to begin to tap into our Knowing.

Learning this at such a young age taught me another important lesson: I wasn't going to be handed the world. I learned that loss is real and often unfair, but I also learned in every hardship there is an invitation to step into a new way of being and relating to people, an invitation for growth, and a choice to rise up and wrestle with my own power or shrink and choose to be damaged. 


Finding my Knowing in the painful moments

This truth was solidified for me when I was twenty-one, and I sat with my Nana in her last days. As we curled up in her bed with her head on my shoulder, she looked up at me and said, “I’m just so scared. What if I wasn’t good enough in this life? Will you pray over me?” (A story for another time is the sainthood that my Nana should have because of the life of service she lived.)

In that moment, everything else melted away as I began to speak comfort, truth, and peace over her. The words came from the deepest Knowing within me. In that moment I felt her fear transform into peace. Her entire body softened. She sighed. 

Later that night, she passed away while I held her hand and whispered to her that it was ok for her to let go—I would be ok, and it was time for her to cross over. 

This moment transformed me. Somehow, I had tapped into my deepest Knowing, and in that moment I flashed on an undeniable truth: In my ability to hold space for even the hardest experiences and be fully present with another human—change happens. The difficulty lessens. Peace emerges. Resilience begins to take root.

How this translated to my professional life

Honoring this deep, internal Knowing within each one of us became my guiding principle in work. 

Years ago in a weekly team meeting, my boss slammed his fist on the table as he passionately declared that he knew what was best for us personally and professionally. We should trust him fully and not question his judgment.

My whole body shook with the clear Knowing that something about this was very wrong. 

Why was I expected to trust his authority over my own internal Knowing?

That was the moment that I began crafting my exit strategy. 

When I landed in a new company that championed personal development, courage, authenticity, and integrity, my world was rocked. This company was giving voice to all the things I Knew deep within the wisdom of my feeling body.

The more my leaders allowed me to look inward and discover the fullest expression of my soul, the more I came alive. 

For 6.5 years, I had remarkable support and training to hone my coaching skills in this supportive environment. When the coronavirus hit, I could sense the distress and discord vibrating from every one of my coworkers. I took the initiative to support my peers in weekly self and group reflection practices to grow our awareness. After a few months of seeing such beautiful shifts for my colleagues and the teams at work, I Knew that I had tapped into my next calling. I was ready to start my own coaching practice. 

Then in 2020, I officially launched my business. 

Since then, I have become a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and accredited through the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). This means I’ve had over 700 hours of training, supervision, and 1:1 mentorship.

Remember how I shared earlier that I’m a learner at heart? That remains true! 

I graduated in May 2022 from Harvar University in Industrial-Organizational Psychology master’s degree. Utilizing social science research methods, I am learning how to make organizations, and most importantly, the people who comprise those organizations, more effective.

This has been an incredible component to add to my work. With a strong coaching background, I now have an increased knowledge set for how to support leaders in designing models of how to lead teams and run businesses in an ever-changing environment.

In addition to working with personal clients 1:1 for coaching, I am loving being able to consult with organizations for longer engagements that focus on creating better environments for the teams within those organizations.

If there is anything I want you to walk away knowing, it’s this.

I see you as already fully whole, capable, and resilient. I’m here to hold space for you to explore the depths of what is already within you. I may teach you a few new skills along the way, but largely we are going to co-create your new future together based on where your intuition leads us. 

There will be no advice-giving. If that’s what you want, I’m not for you.

I will challenge you and hold you to the desires of your soul that you speak forth into creation.

Your soul is your greatest guide. I’m just here to help you listen to it.

What is your soul saying right now? 

If you’re feeling the urge to connect, let’s make that happen.